Using child-friendly colors in dental clinics


Choosing the right color scheme for a dental clinic helps to dispel fear among children when the thought of visiting a dentist arrives one day. For Dr. Kami Hoss, CEO and co-founder of The Super Dentists, a mixture of the right colors and superhero figures, stuff that children are familiar with, makes visits to the dentist something for them to look forward to.

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Here are some colors and their meanings that are worth considering:

Blue - It could be cerulean, aqua, or even sky blue. The color is good for introspection and creates calm and peaceful spaces.

Yellow – The color stimulates the mind as it energizes a space. It gives children some daytime vibes, though an overabundance of it may not suit a dental clinic. Yellow works well with gray, blue, or green.

Brown - This earthy tone suggests the color of nature. It brightens up to beige.

Gray - A tough color choice that may lead to a feeling of loneliness if it dominates. This color works well as an accent to a bright yellow. Use moderately.

Green - Like blue, green can be relaxing and soothing. It can relieve stress with a hue of mint or tea green.

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Orange – A vibrant color of cheerfulness and increased energy. Too much of it, though, may look overwhelming. Try mixing with softer green and lavender.

Purple - This can be in a lighter shade of lilac, which can be sophisticated and restful.

A themed dental clinic can also be fun, adds Dr. Kami Hoss, whose company, The Super Dentists, employs superhero characters in its brand. This makes a fun environment that would otherwise intimidate children if on a regular dental clinic. Children are more comfortable when reminded of their favorite things like comic characters and TV shows.

Dr. Kami Hoss owns San Diego’s largest pediatric dentistry and orthodontic practice, The Super Dentists. Learn more about him and his practice by visiting this page.


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