Using child-friendly colors in dental clinics
Choosing the right color scheme for a dental clinic helps to dispel fear among children when the thought of visiting a dentist arrives one day. For Dr. Kami Hoss, CEO and co-founder of The Super Dentists, a mixture of the right colors and superhero figures, stuff that children are familiar with, makes visits to the dentist something for them to look forward to. Image source: Here are some colors and their meanings that are worth considering: Blue - It could be cerulean, aqua, or even sky blue. The color is good for introspection and creates calm and peaceful spaces. Yellow – The color stimulates the mind as it energizes a space. It gives children some daytime vibes, though an overabundance of it may not suit a dental clinic. Yellow works well with gray, blue, or green. Brown - This earthy tone suggests the color of nature. It brightens up to beige. Gray - A tough color choice that may lead to a feeling of loneliness if it dominates. Thi...