Tips for brides looking to achieve straighter teeth before their wedding day

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The wedding day is one of the most important and anticipated events in a woman’s life, demanding much planning and rigorous preparation.  But sometimes there are just so many logistical concerns to think about leading to the wedding that you forget one basic aspect you’ve to ensure and take care of: a great smile. 

You might find yourself a little less confident during your big day if your teeth are stained or crooked, especially as you think about how you’ll look when the wedding videos and pictures come out.  A wedding is a social event, after all, and that little gesture to have your teeth straightened or whitened will do wonders in ensuring fun and positivity during the occasion as you flash your vibrant smile.  

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The great news is that Acceledontics by The Super Dentists is the one-stop solution for such worries.  The clinic offers the most appropriate wedding braces and pre-wedding teeth whitening services for brides.  By using AADvance Braces and AADvance Auxiliary Devices, Acceledontics allows for fast and painless orthodontic care that does not cut corners in giving you the teeth confidence you rightly deserve come your wedding day. 

Moreover, the company’s AADvance Whitening process is done in less than five minutes, a far quicker procedure than traditional methods that would take weeks and even months to whiten your teeth.  Of course, this set of dental services isn’t just limited to significant life events, but something that will benefit you throughout your life, allowing for needed oral alignment and enhanced smiles.

Dr. Kami Hoss is a sought-after author, consultant, inventor, and speaker in the fields of dentistry and business. He holds a master’s degree in craniofacial biology and a doctorate in dental surgery. He co-founded The Super Dentists with his business partner and wife, Dr. Nazli Keri. For similar posts on dental care, visit this blog.


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