
Showing posts from May, 2020

Advice to new dental hygienists

Every year, tens of students walk out of the halls of Howard Healthcare Academy as dental hygienists. Although those at the school believe they've prepared them enough to face the rigors of their vocation, the world is always the more challenging classroom. Here's what Dr. Kami Hoss of The Super Dentists would like to tell new dental hygienists out there to help them become more successful in their jobs. Image source: Image source: First and foremost, never forget to be proud of your knowledge and your skills. Some may think a dental hygienist's work is second only to the dentist’s but no dental treatment progresses far without your work. You prep the patient's teeth to receive the optimal benefits of what procedures they receive in the dentist's chair. Second, value your name and your license. When you sign something, make sure it's a seal signifying your best work as a hygienist ...