Acceledontics: A revolutionary teeth-straightening technology

Having the teeth straightened results in a lot of benefits. Firstly, it gives people increased confidence because of a better-looking smile. Beyond the aesthetics, it also has functional benefits as an aligned set of teeth makes it easier for people to chew and positively impacts the pronunciation of letters and words. Teeth straightening also leads to healthier gums and less likelihood of mouth injuries. I mage source: However, traditional braces usually take a considerable amount of time. To shorten the time needed to wear braces, Dr. Kami Hoss launched an accelerated teeth-straightening technology, named Acceledontics. It was made to make the orthodontic treatment quicker, more aesthetic, and more comfortable. Traditional braces require an individual to wait for one to two years, at a minimum, before achieving the full results. After wearing the braces, a retainer is also needed for up to two years to make sure that the tissues surrounding the str...