Does the food you eat affect your oral health?
The body is a complex machine, and the food people eat have an impact on their overall health. The food an individual consumes may also have an effect on the health of their teeth and gums. When a person eats too much sugary treats, they could be at risk of tooth decay. Image source: Tooth decay occurs when plaque touches the sugar in the mouth, which causes the acid to attack the teeth. Any food that contain sugars of any kind can play a part in tooth decay. A healthy diet is critical to keep the mouth and gums in good health. To keep one’s oral health in check, it’s best to skip sweets and sticky foods. Sweets aren’t just candies: these could be sodas, energy drinks, and any kind of drink that’s rich in sugars. Check the nutrition label in order to know which kinds of foods are high in sugar. Even spaghetti sauces and cereals can have high sugar content. Image source: While they may be good in keeping a healthy physique, st...